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Pass Plus

March 13, 2008


Pass Plus is a training course specifically aimed at new drivers. Statistics show that new drivers are more likely to have an accident in the first two years of passing their test due to a lack of driving experience - this is where Pass Plus comes in! The course aims to build upon your newly acquired driving skills and knowledge.

What is Pass Plus?

Pass Plus is a training course specifically aimed at new drivers, designed by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) with the help of insurers and the driving instruction industry. Pass Plus will build upon your existing skills and knowledge, it will teach you how to anticipate, plan for and deal with all kinds of hazards, and can help you to become more confident on the roads

Pass Plus is made up of six practical modules which include:

  • driving in town
  • driving in all weathers
  • driving on rural roads
  • driving at night
  • driving on dual carriageways
  • driving on motorways

Anyone who holds a full UK licence is eligible to take part in the scheme. You will not have to take a test at the end of the course but you will be continually assessed. You must successfully...


Tags: driving, pass, plus, test

Posted at: 12:27 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Why People Fail There driving test

March 4, 2008


Observation at Junctions : Ineffective observation and judgment

Reverse Parallel Parking : Ineffective observation or lack of accuracy

Use of Mirrors : Not checking or not acting on what is seen

Reversing Around a Corner : Ineffective observation or lack of accuracy

Incorrect Use of Signals : Not canceling or giving misleading signals

Moving Away Safely : Ineffective observation

Incorrect Positioning : At roundabouts or bends

Lack of Steering Control : Steering too early or too late

Incorrect Positioning : to turn right at junctions and in one way streets

Inappropriate Speed : Going too slow or being hesitant

Tags: mirrors, observation, parking, reversing, signals, speed

Posted at: 10:35 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Price increase

February 27, 2008

Be prepared for the cost of your driving test to go up in April. All parts of the driving test  will be affected. So the theory test will rise by £1.50 and then be £30.00 and practical driving test will go up to £56.50 an increase of £8.00.

Those looking to pass their motorcycle test will be the most affected, this will rise from £60.00 to £80.00 in September this year.

The DSA have confirmed the price rises and said that they as a driving standards agency have costs that they need to cover when they provide driving and motorcycle tests to learner drivers in the uk.

Tags: driving, increase, price, test

Posted at: 09:55 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

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